HR business

Permanent Recruitment services

Recruitment from entry level to middle level specialist positions: junior specialists, assistants, administrative and reception positions, data input and management positions, client service specialists, sales agents, merchandisers, sales representatives, accountants, etc.

We accommodate our Clients with the shortest possible time frame from order to placement. Our average project completion time is from a few days to up to a maximum of 3 weeks.

Mass Recruitment. We will recruit a large number of candidates or provide regular candidate flow  for a work in client service, administrative sector or related.

Benefits for Clients:

  • Efficient use of resources
  • Job postings included in recruitment fee
  • The possibility to hire a candidate for a “Trial period”
  • 3-month-guarantee free of charge
  • Data protection, confidentiality
  • High quality services.

Contact our consultants for more information.